-TSA: Fully staffed in City, 1 in Viro for 24. CC on 305
-Region: Fully staffed. CC in WU
-Air: Fully staffed, no known mech issues.
-Fleet: 7287 will be done, Sam will arrange sxwap with Tomah truck
MedComm: fully staffed. 1 return hospice on board. Jen is AOC/SL contact, Callie is 1st contact.
-TSA: Fully staffed in City, 1 in Viro for 24. CC on 305
-Region: Fully staffed. CC in WU
-Air: Fully staffed, no known mech issues.
-Fleet: 7287 will be done, Sam will arrange sxwap with Tomah truck
MedComm: fully staffed. 1 return hospice on board. Jen is AOC/SL contact, Callie is 1st contact.